Labor smashes Fee-Free TAFE Targets Early

By Minister O’Connor’s Office: (02) 6277 7430 and Senator Jana Stewart's Office: (03) 9232 8120

06 September 2023

The Hon. Brendan O'Connor
Member for Gorton
Minister for Skills and Training 


Senator Jana Stewart
Senator for Victoria



The Albanese Labor Government is celebrating the achievements of Australia’s public TAFE system this National TAFE Day. 


For decades, TAFE has been a highly regarded educational institution which has supported and provided opportunities for individuals, communities and employers. 


In the 15 months since the federal election, the Albanese Labor Government has delivered on its commitments to place TAFE at the heart of our vocational education and training (VET) sector. 


The Albanese Labor Government’s Fee-Free TAFE initiative has been an enormous success, with the newest federal data showing the enrolment target has been significantly exceeded, with the program remaining within budget. 

The figures show that Fee-Free TAFE has attracted more than 214,000 Australians enrolments in its first 6 months, meaning the program has hit its targets 6 months ahead of schedule. 

Senator for Victoria Jana Stewart said that enrolment figures for Fee-Free TAFE continued to climb and showed that Australians were hungry to re-train and fill vital skill shortages.  

“Labor’s Fee-Free TAFE is helping Australians to acquire new skills, and to access well-paid jobs,” said Senator Stewart. 

“We’re delivering on our commitment to give more young Australians the training they need today to harness the jobs and opportunities of the future. And regional Victorians are jumping at the opportunity.” 

“1 in 3 of Fee-Free TAFE enrolments in Victoria are from a regional or remote area, meaning country students will get the skills they need, and our economy needs, for the future,” Senator Stewart said. 
Nationally, 25,000 Australians now enrolled in A TAFE course have a culturally or linguistically diverse background. Over 15,000 people with disability have enrolled, and almost 7,000 are First Nations Australians. Women make up over 60 percent of enrolments, with more than 35 percent of total enrolments being in critical parts of our care sector. 


Minister for Skills and Training, Brendan O’Connor MP, said that Fee-Free TAFE offered a huge cost of living relief for students, and was good news for employers. 

 “Fee-Free TAFE grows the recruitment pool for employers and eases the skills shortages that hold our economy back,” said Minister O’Connor. 

“Fee-Free TAFE is the spark that is igniting a renewed sense of optimism and potential in our vocational education and training sector and I’m looking forward to building on our success.” 

The Albanese Labor Government understands the importance of TAFE and the role that it will continue to play to give Australians the skills they need for the careers and opportunities of the future.